University of New Brunswick MRI Research Center presents novel capillary pressure measurements.
Dr. Derrick Green is invited by Dr. Bruce Balcom, head of the UNB MRI Research Center, to investigate a new NMR based capillary pressure measurement as a potential basis for founding a company to commercialize it. Dr. Green and his wife quickly decide the idea has merit and move back home to New Brunswick to found Green Imaging Technologies (now Green Imaging).
Green Imaging Technologies is officially incorporated
Derrick and Jill Green found Green Imaging Technologies and the new technology company begins building a network of NMR rock core analysis experts and engages them to provide feedback on a new software to standardize and simplify the task of getting repeatable data from NMR instruments.
Jill and Derrick move to Fredericton to start working for GIT
Having established the company a year earlier, Jill and Derrick Green start working full time on building their new company, Green Imaging Technologies. Originally based out of a small office on the University of New Brunswick campus, they begin building relationships with the industry gurus of NMR rock core analysis.
GIT acquires three NMR patents from one of the world’s largest independent exploration and production companies
Having impressed Conoco Phillips research group in Oklahoma with their robust software product, Green Imaging Technologies makes a deal to acquire 3 key patents related to core analysis measurements and incorporates them into their product offerings.
GIT begins relationship with Oxford Instruments
Green Imaging gets the attention of the leading NMR rock core analyzer hardware manufacturer, Oxford Instruments, as more and more of their customers buy Green Imaging software to run their instruments. Eventually a marketing partnership agreement is signed.
GIT begins a beta trial of NMR capillary pressure instrument and software at Core Laboratories
In order to prove the measurement has merit, Green Imaging convinces the premier NMR service company in the world at the time, Core Laboratories, to perform a beta trial of the NMR capillary pressure measurement, GIT-CAP. The test successfully illustrates the validity of the measurement compared to traditional methods.
Entered exclusive relationship with OI for a joint hardware/software rock core NMR product offering
After 4 years of marketing the GeoSpec NMR hardware with the GIT software, an exclusivity agreement is signed between GIT and Oxford Instruments which essentially makes GIT software the operating system for the Maran NMR instrument and then the GeoSpec NMR rock core analyzer product line.
Created a relationship with the Oklahoma University Mewbourne School of Petroleum and Engineering
Green Imaging establishes a partnership agreement with the University of Oklahoma's Mewbourne School of Petroleum Engineering resulting in collaboration on shale gas applications for NMR rock core analysis. OU establishes an NMR teaching lab, eventually siting 11 NMR rock core analyzers, the most in any location.
Green Imaging begins selling NMR rock core testing services to clients
Leveraging the full service NMR rock core analysis lab they build to properly test and develop their software products, Green Imaging hires a full time sales resource to sell commercial NMR lab services.
ImaCore 3D Imager is introduced.
Partnering with MR Solutions out of the UK to provide the hardware, Green Imaging adds the GIT Systems software and our application knowledge to establish a unique new product offering; a cryogen free, multi-field MRI system for rock core imaging applications.
NMR Porosity from Cuttings offered commercially.
Green Imaging application researchers establish a method for porosity on drill head cuttings (or chips) which are much more abundant and easy to obtain. In 2020 Green Imaging (H2 Labs at the time) begin offering this measurement as a service.