GIT Technical Papers
Development and Testing of a New 10,000 PSI NMR Overburden Probe M. Dick, D. Veselinovic, T. Kenney, D. Green, 2022 Society of Core Analysts Annual Symposium
Multi-Field Evaluation of T2 Distributions and T1-T2 2D Maps D. Veselinovic, M. Dick, T. Kenney, D. Green, 2022 Unconventional Resources Technology Conference
Validation of Porosity of NMR Cuttings D. Green, M. Dick, T. Kenney, D. Veselinovic, Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts 63nd Annual Logging Symposium, June 2022
Review of Recent Developments in NMR Core Analysis, M. Dick, D. Veselinovic, D. Green, Petrophysics Vol 63, No. 3, June 2022
NMR-Based Wettability Index for Unconventional Rocks, M.J. Dick, D. Veselinovic, R.J.M. Bonnie, S. Kelly, Petrophysics Vol 63, No. 3, June 2022
NMR Core Analysis on Whole Core Samples M. Dick, D. Veselinovic, R. Crumb, R. Antle and D. Green, 2021 Society of Core Analysts Annual Symposium
Multi-Field Evaluation of T2 Pore Size Distributions and T1-T2 2D Maps M. Dick, D. Veselinovic, T. Kenney, D. Green, 2021 Society of Core Analysts Annual Symposium
Measuring Relative Permeability with NMR D. Green, M. Dick, T. Kenney, D. Veselinovic, 2021 Practical Applications of NMR in Industry Conference (PANIC)
NMR Quantification of Wettability and Water Uptake in Unconventionals M.J. Dick, D. Veselinovic, R.J.M. Bonnie, S. Kelly, 2021 Unconventional Technology Conference
T1-T2 NMR on Shale Cuttings M.J. Dick, D. Veselinovic, T. Kenney, D. Green, A. Haecker, M. Boyce, 2021 Unconventional Resources Technology Conference
NMR Wettability Index Measurements and Methods Compared on a Variety of Unconventional Samples S. Kelly, R.J.M Bonnie, M. J. Dick, D. Veselinovic, Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts 62nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 2021
NMR Time-Lapse Wettability Assessments in Unconventionals: Insights from Imbibition S. Kelly, R.J.M Bonnie, M. J. Dick, D. Veselinovic, 2020 Unconventional Resources Technology Conference
Integration of Geochemical and Petrophysical Measurements from Drill Cuttings for Unconventional Reservoir Characterization, Converse County, Powder River Basin N. Ganser, B. Wittman, M. Hemenway, M. Dick, D. Veselinovic, T. Kenney, D. Green, H. Rowe, 2020 Unconventional Resources Technology Conference
Methane Isotherms and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Shales M.J. Dick, D. Heagle, D. Green 2019 Society of Core Analysts Annual Symposium
Reducing Sample Heating During NMR Measurements M. Dick, D. Veselinovic, D. Green 2019 Society of Core Analysts Annual Symposium (Sept 2019)
Measurements of Natural Gas Isotherms and Imaging Gas in Shale using NMR. D. Veselinovic, M.J. Dick, D. Green, Green Imaging Technologies Unconventional Resources Technology Conference.
Houston, Texas (July 2018)
Spatially Resolved Wettability Measurements Using NMR Wettability Index. M.J. Dick, D. Veselinovic and D. Green
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Trondheim, Norway (Aug 2018)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging with a Variable Field Superconducting Magnet that can be rotated for Vertical or Horizontal Operation. S. Vashaee, M. Li, B. MacMillan, R. Enjilela, D. Green, F. Marica, B. Balcom
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Vienna, Austria (Aug 2017)
Quick and Simple Porosity Measurement at the Well Site, M. Dick, D. Green, T. Kenney, D. Veselinovic, J. Tallarita, M.A. Smith
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Vienna, Austria (Aug 2017)
Optimizing NMR Data Acquisition and Processing Parameters fir Tight-Gas Montney Formations of Western Canada, B. Salimifard, M. Dick, D. Green, D. Ruth
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Vienna, Austria (Aug 2017)
Measuring Methane Adsorption in Shale Using NMR, M. Dick, C, Muir, D. Veselinovic, D. Green
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Vienna, Austria (Aug 2017)
NMR at Different Temperatures to Evaluate Shales, D. Veselinovic, D. Green, M. Dick
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Austin, Texas USA (July 2017)
Understanding Fractures and Pore Compressibility of Shale Using NMR, M. Dick, D. Green, E.M. Braun, and D. Veselinovic
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Snowmass, Colorado USA (Aug 2016)
Determination of Natural Fracture Porosity using NMR, D. Veselinovic, D. Green, M. Dick
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, San Antonio, Texas USA (Aug 2016)
On The Measurement of Pore Geometry: A Comprehensive Petrophysical Study of Conventional Rrocks, B. Salimifard, D.W. Ruth, D.P. Green, and B. Nassichuk.
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Newfoundland, Canada (Aug 2015)
Analyzing the open fact Condition and Non-equilibrium Effects in Co and Countercurrent Spontaneous Imbibition with Experiments and Numerical Simulation, R. Arabjamaloei, D.W. Ruth, D.P. Green, D.Veselinovic.
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Newfoundland, Canada (Aug 2015)
Quantifying Fluid Types in Shale with NMR, MRPM 2012, C. Muir, D.P. Green and D. Veselinovic.
New Zealand (Feb 2014)
Unconventional NMR: Oil Sands, Cuttings and Core, D.P. Green, D. Veselinovic, B.Nassichuk.
GeoConvention 2014, Calgary, Canada (May 2014)
Developing a Model to Estimate Permeability from Other Petrophysical Data, B. Salimifard, D.W. Ruth , D.P. Green, and D. Veselinovic.
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Avignon, France, (Sept 2014)
Applications of a New Technique to Acquire Spatially Resolved NMR Petrophysical Data, D.P. Green, D. Veselinovic, B.J. Balcom, and F. Marica.
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, (September, 2012)
An Overview of NMR Core Analysis Techniques, D.P. Green.
International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Beijing, China (August 2011).
High Pressure Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Metallic Vessels, H. Han, M. Ouellette, B. MacMillan, F. Goora, R. MacGregor, D. Green and B. Balcom.
Journal of Magnetic Resonance (October 2011)
Analysis of Unconventional Reservoirs using New and Existing NMR Methods, D. P. Green and D. Veselinovic.
GeoCanada, Calgary, Canada (June 2010)
MR Imaging inside Metallic Vessels, H. Han, D.P. Green, M. Ouellette, R. MacGregor, and B.J. Balcom.
Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media, Leepzig, Germany (September 2010)
“Non-Cartesian Sampled Centric Scan SPRITE Imaging with Magnetic Field Gradient and B0(t) Field Measurements for MRI in the Vicinity of Metal Structures”, Han, H., Green, D., Ouellette, M., MacGregor, R. and Balcom, B.J..
Journal of Magnetic Resonance (2010) 206, 97-104.
Acquisition of Core Capillary Pressure Data by In-Situ Saturation Monitoring – A Comparative Evaluation, C. Lindsay, C. Cornwall and D. Green.
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, (September, 2009)
Sensitivity Study of Variables Associated with Magnetic Resonance Imaging Capillary Pressure Measurements in Porous Rocks, B.A. Baldwin, D. Green, J.C. Stevens and J.J. Howard.
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, (September, 2009)
Extracting Pore Throat Size and Relative Permeability from MRI Based Capillary Pressure Curves, D. Green.
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, (September, 2009)
Capillary Pressure Curves Determined by Direct Measurement of the Saturation using Magnetic Resonance Imaging, D. P. Green.
InSite CWLS Magazine, Issue 1, Volume 28 (May 2009)
Oil/Water Imbibition and Drainage Capillary Pressure Determined by MRI on a Wide Sampling of Rocks, D. P. Green, Josh R. Dick, Mike McAloon, P.F. de J. Cano-Barrita, Jon Burger, and Bruce Balcom.
Prepared for 22nd International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. (October, 2008)
Capillary Pressure Measurement on Cores by MRI, Prisciliano F. de J. Cano Barrita, Bruce J. Balcom, Michael J. McAloon, Derrick P. Green, and Josh Dick.
Prepared for the 2008 Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, United States (May, 2008). OTC 19234.
Comparison study of capillary pressure curves obtained using traditional centrifuge and magnetic resonance imaging techniques, D. P. Green, J. Gardner, B.J. Balcom, M.J. McAloon, P.F. de J. Cano-Barrita.
2008 Improved Oil Recovery Symposium, Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S.A. (April, 2008)
Comparison study of capillary pressure curves obtained using traditional centrifuge and magnetic resonance imaging techniques, D.P. Green, J.R. Dick, J. Gardner, B. J. Balcom, B. Zhou.
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, (September, 2007)
Capillary pressure curves obtained using new magnetic resonance imaging techniques, D.P. Green.
Petroleum Technology Alliance of Canada Technology information Session (April, 2007)
Novel method for visualization of shifted metabolite volumes in spectroscopic imaging, M.R. Thompson and D.P. Green.
US Patent application (June, 2005)
Spectroscopic methods. D.P. Green.
A general overview, Annual Applications and Clinical Science Meeting, Eindhoven Netherlands (April, 2004)
Undersampling the NMR Signal: An Approach to a Simplified NMR/MRI Spectrometer, D.P. Green and B.J. Balcom.
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Submitted Dec, 1999.
Measuring Gradient Vibration with Faraday’s Law, D.P. Green, B.J. Balcom, and P. Prado.
39th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference, March 22-27, 1998.
Undersampling the NMR Signal, D.P. Green and B.J. Balcom.
39th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference, March 22-27, 1998.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Moisture Content Profiles of Drying Concrete, S.D. Beyea, B.J. Balcom, T.W. Bremner, P.J. Prado, D.P. Green, R.L. Armstrong, and P.E. Grattan-Bellew.
Cement and Concrete Research, 28, 453-463 (1998)
Single Point Ramped Imaging with T1 Enhancement (SPRITE), B.J. Balcom, R.P. MacGregor, S.D. Beyea, D.P. Green, R.L. Armstrong, and T.W. Bremner.
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Series A, 123, 131-134 (1996)
Monitoring Magnetic Resonance Imaging Experiments with LabVIEW, B.J. Balcom and D.P. Green.
National Instruments Newsletter, Vol. 8 No. 4, Winter (1996/1997)
Sensor Measurement and Experimental Control in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging, D.P. Green, B.J. Balcom, and T.J. Lees.
Review in Scientific Instrumentation, 67,102-107 (1996)
Capillary Pressure Curves obtained using new Magnetic Resonance Imaging Techniques, D.P. Green.
Petroleum Technology Alliance of Canada Technology information Session, April 17, 2007
Novel Method for Visualization of Shifted Metabolite Volumes in Spectroscopic Imaging, M.R. Thompson and D.P. Green.
US Patent application, June 2005.
Spectroscopic Methods. A General Overview, D.P. Green.
Annual Applications and Clinical Science Meeting, Eindhoven Netherlands, April 2004
A Simplified MRI Spectrometer with Integrated Experimental Monitoring and Control for Non-Medical Applications, D.P. Green.
Ph.D. (EE) Thesis, May 2000
Monitoring and Controlling Experiments Observed by NMR Imaging, B.J. Balcom and D.P. Green.
1995 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 17-22, 1995
Light and Sound Irradiation. Direct and Indirect Effects on Matter Observed by NMR Imaging, B.J. Balcom, D.P. Green, and T.J. Lees.
1995 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 17-22, 1995
The Effects of Ultrasonic Cavitation on NMR Imaging, D.P. Green and B.J. Balcom.
3rd International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy ?Heidelberg Conference@, Wurzburg, Germany, August 27-31, 1995
Student Stipend Award, Society of Magnetic Resonance 3rd Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, August 19-25, 1995
Acoustic Cavitation and Acoustic Streaming Effects in Ultrasound Examined by MRI, D.P. Green and B.J. Balcom.
Society of Magnetic Resonance 3rd Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, August 19-25, 1995
Instrumentation and MRI, D.P. Green.