Our Services Lab Services

Green Imaging is your premier destination for cutting-edge NMR core analysis services.

Our Equipment

Our lab is outfitted with the entire Oxford Instruments Geospec range of instruments, from 2 MHz to 23 MHz operating frequency, handling samples from cuttings to 4 inches in diameter, with integrated software and accessories to perform routine core analysis such as cleaning and saturation, as well as advanced petrophysics research.

GeoSpec NMR Rock Core Analyzers

2MHz – This instrument is used when calibrating downhole log data.  It is also used for any measurements done at reservoir conditions (pressure & temperature).  Samples can be up to 3″ in diameter and no longer than 2-3” in length.

8MHz – Used for whole core analysis.  Samples can be up to 4” in diameter.

12MHz – This instrument is particularly useful for tighter rock samples.  The sensitivity of NMR instruments increases with operating frequency.  The greater sensitivity of a 12MHz instrument means that adequate signal can be acquired from small pores in less time, with fewer scans. The GeoSpec 12Mhz system utilizes the Oxford Instruments Q-Sense technology that allows this 12Mhz system to perform equally or better than other labs 20MHz instruments.  The 12MHz instrument allows for better resolution in T2 spectra, more accurate porosity measurements with tight rock cores, and better defined 2D correlation maps.  Samples can be 1” or 1.5” in diameter and maximum of 2” in length.

23MHz – This instrument is also useful for tight rock samples and is used most frequently for better defined T1T2 2D correlation maps.  Samples must be no larger than 1” in diameter and 1” long, making this instrument also useful for measurements done on drill cuttings.

At Green Imaging, we pride ourselves on our specialization in NMR technology, boasting a comprehensive suite of NMR instruments that surpasses any other service lab in the industry.

Our People

 Our team consists of highly trained experts who bring unparalleled expertise to every project. We understand the critical role that NMR plays in extracting valuable insights from core samples. Whether you’re seeking analysis for porosity, permeability, fluid typing, capillary pressure, flow studies, or other essential parameters, Green Imaging is your trusted partner for accurate and reliable results.

With commitment to excellence and a dedication to staying at the forefront of technological advancements, we offer a comprehensive range of services to meet the unique needs of our clients. Explore the power of NMR with Green Imaging, where precision, proficiency, and professionalism converge to elevate your understanding of your samples.

Overburden NMR Flow Cells

P5 Cell – The P5 Cell is used for overburden studies.  Analysis can be performed on 1” diameter samples up to 5,000 psi of pressure and temperatures of ~70C, and 1.5″ diameter samples up to 2,500 psi and ~70C.  This cell is used in conjunction with the 2MHz instrument.

P10 Cell – The P10 Cell is our most recent upgrade to our overburden capabilities. Analysis can be performed on 1″ diameter samples up to 10,000 psi of pressure and temperatures of ~70C, and 1.5″ diameter samples up to 5,000 psi and ~70C. This cell is used in conjunction with the 12 MHz instrument.

To find out more about any of our products or services, please reach out.
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