Combining Green Imaging’s powerful yet easy to use GIT Systems software with MR Solutions leading MRI imaging hardware, ImaCore offers the most powerful rock core analyzer on the market. With a variable field magnet which can perform measurements at field strengths from 0.1 Tesla to 3.0 Tesla, a magnet bore allowing up to 17cm diameter samples, a rotating gimbal, a cryogen free super conducting magnet and industry leading acquisition software, ImaCore will be a key tool for revealing the missing pieces and completing the reservoir puzzle.
Designed to allow MRI and NMR researchers with the ultimate tool for rock core analysis, the ImaCore allows for extremely fast measurements on core plugs or full core measuring the pore network and fluids present in high resolution 3D. This includes flow studies or flooding experiments to study flow fronts and fluid interactions for EOR studies, carbon storage studies and any other area where fluid/pore interactions are key.
The variable field nature of the magnet means researchers can measure not just hydrogen nuclei, but also carbon, sodium and fluorine.